
4 am wake up call

I started my new job this week and have been waking up at 4 am every morning! I have been able to function at work but have been coming home and practically passing out. Also on day two I caught a cold! (NOT COOL MAN!)

On top of that, Conor has been working crazy late nights, so I get to do all the chores around the house in an effort to look somewhat like adult if someone were to come over. (which our whole family is coming over on Sunday for Father's Day, so I will be cleaning like a mad woman in the next two days) I will have a real new post next week.

THANK YOU to all the 20 Something Bloggers for commenting, it made my day!

I will leave you with Troeg in a box!...

In the process of jumping out!


20 Something Bloggers Vlog Day!

This video post is part of 20SB’s Vlog Day and the topic is “Introduce Yourself”…anyone can participate! Details are here.

(hope I don't sound too scatter brained)


a few photos of the move and such

our last trip to the farm, so I had to take pics of the baby cows,  right?

my little family in front of our very first home!

our first home (p.s. this took three trips to the sign to get a good pic)

construction in the new house has been an experience to say the very least

new curtains and hubby on the deck!

Troeg and I waited out side for the movers, thought he could take a nap...

this is what I am tackling today...

our very small container garden that we added to this week, fingers crossed

on the big tomato plant there are already some actual cherry tomatoes growing!