
Summer so far

This week we have been entertaining a little bit, and it has made me fall more in love with our house. We can all hangout while Conor is cooking and when we are all done eating we can split up however necessary. Last week I taught my cousin to knit while Conor played video games with the boys! Friends came over to hang out and enjoy Conor's amazing grilling skills, and I big doggy play date with one large labrador! We had a very full busy weekend, and we are looking forward to another one including a wedding!

In the knitting world I have had a bit of startitis. I started a blanket that is made out of leftover sock yarn, it is 40 squares that are sewn or crocheted together. (pics to come) I did finish a pair of socks on Sunday made of yarn that I dyed myself. I have also been trying to work more knitting into my schedule. By having so many projects on the needles I am able to have knitting for any situation!

and a little on my relationship with exercise...(because I have been doing more)

When I was younger I was extremely involved in dance, and did not need to work out outside of my 4-5 nights of dance. When dance ended I didn't know how to stay in shape by myself, so I didn't. Now, 6 years later, I am working on getting more comfortable working exercising into my life. I do not get to do something everyday, and that's ok, but when I can I make sure to fit it in somewhere. I would say that a huge motivation for me is Troeg. We do not have a big backyard to let him run around in, and no longer have a dog park that we can walk to. If I need to take him for a walk I figure that I might as well do it right.  Troeg and I have been working on walk/runs. My asthma prevents me from just jumping into running, so I trying to take my time and do small intervals of running on our walks. In fact that is what we are going to do now!

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