
10 New Favorite Things

1. My mint plant! I have loved making sun tea and adding a few leaves, but my most recent discovery, and I'm sure others do it and I just never have, is to add them to hot tea! The best part is that a few leaves will last the whole day, in multiple cups of tea!

2. The babies of the mint plant! Mint will spread very fast, you can also grow new plants from cuttings. So a week ago I put one cutting in a pot with soil and another in a glass of water. This way I could see what method might work better, turns out both work! So I have now have two baby plants that will be kept inside to pick from, and the mama outside still growing strong!

3. Yankee Candles, not a "new" thing but my obsession has grown. I love picking what sent I will burn at the begining of the day. Today is lilac and the whole apartment smells beautiful!

4. Jillian Michales 30 Day Shred, will be doing day three today if my muscles allow. I have to say that Day 1 and 2 have kicked my butt and it is a little painfull to go down the stairs or walk for that matter. I have not excercised like this in years and know that my muscles will adapt to the new workout. This workout is 25 minutes and is jam packed, it is not for the faint of heart but I am excited to see results!

5 & 6. Camera Remote and tripod, invaluable to any photo taking adventure. This past weekend we went to the Battlefield's at Gettysburg and was able to take awesome group shots of al four of us without having to find a stranger to take it.

7. Simple Human Dish Rack took the place of my wet dishtowel next to the sink. It is designed so that the water will drain directly into the sink! My favorite part is that you are able to fit a lot more dishes into a smaller area.

8. Real Simple Website goes along with the magizine, and sometimes I do buy the magizine but only find a couple of articles to read. As a new-ish wife I am finding lots of great and clever ideas here, and have been visiting it almost daily.

9. Pinterest is a new website that you can pin photos that you like and organize them any way to want! It's amazing and inspiring and I have already found amazing ideas!

10. Oops Paint is not always availbale in the most beautiful colors, but sometimes you can hit the jackpot! This week I was able to scoop up two colors that I wanted in the house at a fraction of the price. Typically a gallon of oops paint is $5 and depending on what type of paint it is the normal retail can go up to $30! Both of the bathrooms at the house are ivory; ivory walls, sink, tub and toilet! I found a gallon of blue paint that will work perfectly, the bathrooms are small and I will be able to paint both with the one gallon! Such a bargain! The tan will go over the pink in the living room, and continue up the stairs into hallway. I will probably need about two gallons to paint the whole space, but by getting one oops I can color match to get the second gallon and only pay full price for one gallon!

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